

Alexis gave me a jar.
The jar was filled with journal prompt ideas.
I took a third journal prompt idea.
This is what the journal prompt idea said:

"Do you believe in the fact that horoscopes, star signs, tarot cards and the like have 'power' of sorts, or is it coincidental to you? Why?"

Ah. This is a very good one. More so because Alexis is into that kinda stuff, which I think is pretty cool. So she was the one that kind of opened my eyes to it. (Note for Alexis: Listening to 'For You Blue' while this is written! :D)

A few years ago I thought that horoscopes was kinda cool. Like, if there was a horoscope done for Scorpio, I would read it, and think of how it had affected me in the recent days. I found connections here and there, but it wasn't like it was a serious interest of mine. I guess now it's still not a huge interest, but I definitely regard it to be more correct than I did a few years ago. Like I said, yes, I am a Scorpio. Probably one of the most awesome star signs out there. Personally, I wouldn't want to tell someone I'm a Cancer. That's just weird. Anyway, back on topic.

When it comes to fortune telling and horoscopes, I don't take them as seriously as some people do. However, I will look for connections, and have a strong hope that my soul is put there somewhere with all the other Scorpios in the fortune. And I continue to make those connections, of course. What strengthened my belief in star signs is...kinda lame, and I won't go into too much detail, but; when you compare your star sign's relationship to that of another star sign. Most of the time, it will eerily make sense. Comparing my sign with that of others, I made many connections to real life events.

Here's my reasoning: we know the moon has an effect on women. I wouldn't be surprised if the human psyche was changed slightly from the position of the Earth relative to the rest of the cosmos. It's pretty cool to think about, really.

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