

Alexis gave me a jar.
The jar was filled with journal prompt ideas.
I took a second journal prompt idea.
This is what the journal prompt idea said:

"What is your favorite pastime?"



Alexis gave me a jar.
The jar was filled with journal prompt ideas.
I took a journal prompt idea.
This is what the journal prompt idea said:

"What phobias do you have? Why?"



I came home from church early today.

I've lived in Utah for 7 7/12 years now. It was a hard move for my whole family; we had lived in California since most of the family was born, and leaving California, let alone our neighborhood and ward we were moving from, was very emotional.



Slab Bulkhead. Bridge Largemeat. Punt Speedchunk. Butch Deadlift. Hold Bigflank. Splint Chesthair. Flint Ironstag. Bolt Vanderhuge. Thick McRunfast. Blast Hardcheese. Buff Drinklots. Crunch Slamchest. Fist Rockbone. Stump Beefnaught. Smash Lampjaw. Punch Rockgroin. Buck Plankchest. Stump Junkman. Dirk Hardpec. Rip Steakface. Slate Slabrock. Crud Bonemeal. Brick Hardmeat. Rip Slagcheek. Punch Sideiron. Gristle McThornbody. Slate Fistcrunch. Buff Hardback. Bob Johnson (oh, wait...). Blast Thickneck. Crunch Buttsteak.Slab Squatthrust. Lump Beefbroth. Touch Rustrod. Beef Blastbody. Big McLargehuge. Smoke Manmuscle. Beat Punchmeat. Hack Blowfist. Roll Fizzlebeef.

That is all.