

It's about time for an update, and a life-related one, at that.

First off, I've been listening to this new song (Update: Sony's killing anyone that posts this song. It's called Aoi Shiori by Galileo Gailiei) that's played at the intro of an amazing new anime I've been watching. The title's really long, but the nickname for it is AnoHana. The series starts off with a kid that hasn't gone to school for an entire semester. Going into his past, he used to have four other friends, and they formed a small club called the Super Peace Busters. One day, a girl in the group, Menma, dies in a river as the club gets together. From then on, the club slowly disbanded, and everybody grew up separately. From where we pick up in the story, the main character, Jintan, starts seeing Menma's ghost. She looks like she had grown up just as much as all the other members of the Super Peace Busters. Menma remembers that she wanted a certain wish granted by Jintan on the day she died, but she can't remember what it is. Jintan's job is to find out Menma's wish and help grant it. Over the course of his efforts, he reunites with his former friends. Many tears are shed because Menma is still around, reminding everyone of the pain they still feel from that day she died.

It's a beautiful story so far. There's lots of happiness, but also just as much sadness. The last episode of the series comes out on Thursday this week. I honestly have no idea how it will end, but if this rhythm continues, it'll be incredible. It's definitely going on my list of favorite stories. The opening song is pretty awesome, too.

Anime club this week was very interesting. Technically, I didn't go to the club. I had a class from 9-11, but my second class was canceled that day. I texted my closer friends from the club, asking if they wanted to get together. We did just that. Our small group of 4 people went to the library to borrow one of their media rooms. There, we saw a few episodes of anime, but most importantly, enjoyed each others' company and talked like there wasn't a care in the world. We discussed our favorite shows and why, talked about life, and other simple nonsense. It was incredible. Normally, anime club is filled with many socially awkward people arguing about which anime to watch next, and it turns out to be some crappy show with no unique flavor to it whatsoever. We play that for a good 4-5 episodes, simply because no one else has any "better" ideas, or so the popular opinion thinks. But this time, all the club members that were there wanted to try something with a new taste and wanted to explore. We all absorbed what was on the screen, instead of making stupid jokes the whole time or laughing our loudest at a semi-humorous scene (yes, those things actually happen at the club). It was, honestly, what anime club should have been from the start. And several other members will gladly agree with me.

The first summer block is finishing up here, and I'm kind of sad. The two classes I've had so far had nothing to do with knowing laws or set facts. They've been pure interpretation. These two classes have been Humanities and 2D Design. Creating art, and also interpreting it. That's what this first block has been for me. It's been a bit stressful doing homework and such, but it's been bending my brain in new ways I've never done before. Not with logical problems like graphing or limits, but with philosophical ones, like how paintings make you feel, and knowing how to convey that emotion in painting. But now I gotta switch to like...MATH. And ENGLISH. And COMPUTER BASICS. How BORING.

We're almost done moving. We've gotten the big stuff in – sofas, tables, dressers, cabinets – so right now we're dealing with the small stuff. My muscles are aching. Moving sucks. Luckily, when I move out, I won't have to move furniture meant for 6 people. Just li'l ol' me.

On Friday, we wanted to do D&D again, but Olivia couldn't make it. We decided to still plan for D&D, however, we played a different scenario that had nothing to do with our current campaign. I was assigned to be a halfling wild mage name Metronome, a real city-slickin' optimist with the ability to never have his magical powers under control. Seriously. I had 14 dice that I needed to use in order to find out what crazy crap I'd do next. I had 4 d20s, 3 d8s, 2 d10s, 4 d6s, and a d4. It was awesome, and I had a lot of fun hitting things hard using my explosive magical mystery side-effect powers. For example: I rolled a die to find out what element I was protected against for the day. I rolled a die to find out what kind of element my attack would hit with. I rolled a die to see what effects occurred if I rolled a 1. It was just fun.

So my weekend, in all, was like any normal weekend, but with a few delightful twists. It was very refreshing, and it set a standard of things that I would love to have happen in the future.


  1. I've been on an inexplicable anime kick recently, but none of the stuff on instant play looks any good/I'm afraid it might be softcore porn. So, I dunno.

  2. AnoHana's just coming out, so it won't be on Netflix.
